Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kanye West vs. George Bush

The media has been going crazy this past few days with the interviews of George Bush and Kanye West. For all those who are oblivious; let me catch you up. George Bush did an interview in which he revealed that the worst time of his presidency was when Kanye West made the statement "George Bush hates black people" on the MTV awards...... I will give you a minute to take that in...... WHAT!?!?!?!?! George Bush are you crazy. The worst time!?!?!?! Seriously!!!! How about 9/11, or Katrina, or the depressed economy, or going into Iraq and finding NO weapons of mass destruction, or the media exposing the horrible drinking habits or you or your daughters ????? While I understand that having a black man calling you racist on national television is probably infuriating it certainly could not have been the worse of the presidency. I was and always will be one to respect the office of the President (no matter who holds the position), but since Bush is no longer President he should really reconsider making ignorant comments because the only thing that was covering him from the wrath of people with half common sense was the fact that he was President. The fact that he uttered these words out loud lets us know what kind of man we really allowed to run this country. I'm embarrassed and disgusted, but I am also grateful because now that I am aware of his complete ignorance I see that he could have left our country in a much worse state than it is in now. (Side Note: All Obama haters please give him a break... he is cleaning up the mess of a man who has summed up his entire presidency on the backwards comment of a pop-culture celebrity...LOL)

Let me digress from Bush and address Kanye. He was wrong. Although genuine in motivation, Kanye expressed his frustration and anger at the wrong place and the wrong time. There are other media outlets to express political views and he should have waited until he was able to convey exactly the point he wanted without letting anger overshadow it. In that moment, he could have used his celebrity status to hold the Bush administration accountable, but in a way that would have focused on the issue not the person. I believe that the life changes Kanye has endured since this situation has revealed to him some character issues and areas where he could grow and mature. His response to the Bush interview was sincere but also well thought out.  He expressed remorse for how the words he use. I was not always a Kanye fan (nothing to do with Taylor Swift) but I was always hesitant to support him because of his media antics, but the man he has grown into is something I truly admire. 

I won't continue to rant about Bush but I will close by saying that the words Kanye uttered that night was not just an opinion of his own. There were many many many who agreed. The point Bush is that enough was not done. Kanye's point had it been Beverly Hills maybe the reaction would have been different. But the past is the past and hindsight is 20/20. Let's move on and allow our new President :) the time to adequately fix the mess we are in now.

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